Your farming activities in real time.



Introducing our fleet’s new NDVI drones (NDVI, short for “normalized differential vegetation index,” is used to determine the state of plants’ health. So by mapping the field ahead of spraying the farmer is afforded a crop health analysis and may apply selective spraying. This far more cost effective that a full field application specifically for cane ripening.

Better than the status quo

Gone are the days when farmers select a field and a single plane spray for an entire field. Our applications are intelligent, informed by the NDVI results and the application of the best-fit chemicals.


Our fitted rig enables our services to be provided from a fully equipped rig that includes all the required water, chemical and generators needed for the spraying project. The rig is self sufficient so there is no disruption to planned farming activities when we are on site.

Using the mill reports to your best advantage:

The GreenTab platform enables you to enter your actual yield statistics from the mill report and compare these to your projected yields. Given the inputs you will be able to measure the impact of your investment in the UAV spraying. A dedicated report is generated by the system at a push of a button.

Having the data, current and historic, at your fingertips enables you to make better, smarter decisions about next season. Future planning decisions towards  sustainable and profitable enterprises.


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